User Research

User Research

Value propositions start with what people value.
Sometimes, you drift away from customers. You don't notice the landscape shifts or internal optimization efforts draw attention away from customer needs. Understanding people – customers, subscribers, influencers, stakeholders, and employees – is critical to today's value creation. User Research leads to better value propositions, brands, and experiences.
Peopledesign - User Research

Learn more

💡 Research Synthesis

💡 See People

💡 Change and Choice

“Wilsonart benefited greatly from Peopledesign's depth in research, tissue sessions, creative development and execution. They are methodical and it pays off.”

Keith Sherman, Marketing Director, Wilsonart

Macatawa Bank
Herman Miller
Guilford of Maine
Grand Valley State University

Let’s get started

What we do
We conduct user research studies to define personas and category insights to discover unmet needs and identify actionable insights. Our insight objectives included customers, users, markets, competition, influencer networks, macro trends, and internal stakeholders.

⚡ Ethnographic interview

⚡ Cultural probes

⚡ Observation

⚡ Quantitative survey

⚡ Third-party insights

⚡ Insights synthesis

What you get
We present you with a concise insights report with actionable insights and strategic implications.

📋 Insights Report

📋 Category/market landscape

📋 Behavioral personas

📋 Impact trends and benchmarks

📋 Opportunity spaces

📋 Action plan