Research Synthesis

Research Synthesis

You have the data. Where are the actionable insights?
You've conducted much research, have piles of data and strategy decks, but are still unsure which insights are actionable. We help you analyze and synthesize your customer, industry, and trend information for consolidated insights and implications.
Peopledesign - Research Synthesis

“Peopledesign's ability to study our organization and understand us, perhaps even better than we understood ourselves, shined through in the finished product.”

Roland Ochoa, Director, Kelley | Uustal

Macatawa Bank
Herman Miller

Let’s get started.

What we do
We collect, assess, and analyze your existing research and strategy work. Building on interviews with your key stakeholders, we build a model of your current understanding. By understanding what you've done and where you intend to go, we bring life to your insights and determine paths to make your research actionable.

⚡ Stakeholder interviews

⚡ Research and strategy assessment

⚡ Data analysis and insights synthesis

⚡ Strategy modeling

What you get
We present you with a concise executive summary. Your insights report consolidates your research and strategy data, and we explore strategic implications. Then, we outline actionable next steps.

📋 Executive Summary

📋 Insights Report

📋 Strategy Recommendations

📋 Action Plan