The Built Environment

We help Built Environment Companies adapt to change by focusing and aligning their business, brand, and marketing for strategic growth.

Let’s talk

Business Strategy
Is your positioning clear and future-focused? 
What is your product strategy? 
Is your team aligned? 

Brand Identity
Is your brand message compelling? 
Is your brand expression aligned with your strategy? 
Do you have practical brand standards? 
Do you have a brand asset library/strategy? 

Marketing Programs
What is your go-to-market approach? 
Have you optimized your customer experience? 
What is the state of your website/digital presence? 
What is your approach to activations/campaigns?


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Herman MIller Digital

We were Herman Miller's digital agency for ten years in the early days of the web.


“While President at ESI, I had the opportunity to work with Peopledesign on a rebranding project, which would entail objective and subjective, research with all the major constituents inside and outside the company. Through their holistic process, we were able to rebrand from a marketing perspective, but also, reset our strategy. This reset created expansion into new product categories, new market segments, and new integration of tools to simplify the customer experience.


“This was my third engagement with Peopledesign at my third company. The results once again speak for themselves with a 40% growth rate following the first major adoptions of the strategies. ESI continues to work with Peopledesign on continuing phases of the project, expecting continued success!”


Mark Rhoades
Fellowes Contract

“Peopledesign has been an invaluable partner. They are able to challenge our thinking in a productive way and encourage us to look at an ever-bigger picture.”

Lois Maassen
VP Integrated Marketing
Herman Miller

“Peopledesign is extremely strategic, creative, and organized. Unfortunately, you don’t often see agencies excel in all three of these areas.”

Tracy Harrison
Senior Project Lead

“Wilsonart benefited greatly from Peopledesign's depth in research, tissue sessions, creative development, and execution. They are methodical and it pays off.”

Keith Sherman
Marketing Director

“Peopledesign has been a key strategic partner. We rely on them to challenge us, provide creative solutions, and develop solutions in a fast-paced environment.”

Tim Smith
VP Environments
The HON Company

“The time we spent with Peopledesign was like going through a doorway. We are fundamentally different today as a result, and we have come to appreciate more and more just how much you packed into the toolkit you presented us.”

Peter Spalding
President & CEO
Gordon International

“We continue to drive the marketing strategy that you and your team helped us build. It is great to see that the market is excited about our new brand.”

Park Kersman
Lorin Industries