Interface Hospitality
Interface Hospitality
Interface, a leading global commercial flooring provider, looking to enter the Hospitality market, asked Peopledesign to build a new brand. A well-established name in the American and European commercial flooring markets, Interface was less known in the growing Hospitality segment and Asia. After some exploration, we recommended sticking with the name Interface Hospitality over some other new name. The new global brand needed to distinguish itself from the commercial name, but also build upon any existing brand equity, especially among designers work may work across markets.

The new Interface Hospitality brand deliberately borrowed from the best of Interface's design and sustainability leadership but departed in ways that reflected the uniqueness of the market. Peopledesign helped introduce the theme "DYF" (Design Your Floor) to inspire and engage designers as they entice them to move to the Interface product category (modular over monolithic). We used color and other graphic devices to help distinguish the celebrate the Interface Hospitality brand.
