FOUNDATIONS Survey Distribution Partners

Distribution Partners

FOUNDATIONS is designed to address the key challenges companies face in the built environment today. The more companies participate, the more powerful and actionable the insights become. 

We are looking for organizations that serve the built environments community to help distribute the survey. Your participation in the survey can benefit your organization and the people you serve with better insights. 

Kevin Budelmann is the President of Peopledesign. Peopledesign is the creator and sponsor of the FOUNDATIONS survey.

Susan Baier is CEO of Audience Audit, a third-party research partner. Peopledesign has enlisted AA to increase survey transparency and efficacy.


What’s in It for You

  • There is no cost for you to participate. 

  • We do not need your email list. You will send invitations to your community members. 

  • Survey respondents will remain anonymous. Contact information provided voluntarily to FOUNDATIONS by survey respondents will not be connected to their responses. It will only notify them of new surveys and share research results if they choose. 

  • You will be listed as a distribution partner in all communications and resources related to the research. Distribution partners will be prioritized when we invite experts to share perspectives and advice about the research results. 

  • You will have early access to exclusive insights and findings from the research.

    • You and your team will be invited to a private webinar for participants to review the results of the survey in detail, answer questions, and discuss implications for those serving agencies

    • You will receive an interactive visualization of all the survey results, which can be filtered by organization size, geography, and other factors. 

  • If you generate at least 100 survey responses through your unique link, you will receive a customized interactive visualization showing your participants’ responses vs. the other survey respondents. 

  • Leveraging the research results in your community's content can generate visibility and trust. If your organization hosts learning events for agency leaders, the FOUNDATIONS team would happily share and discuss the results with your community. 

  • You and your group can freely use the results of the Survey as your own—no links or credits to FOUNDATIONS are required. (However, we will send you a thank you note if you decide to.)

What We Need From You 

  • Use your unique survey link when inviting prospective respondents to participate. This allows respondents to remain anonymous and to know which responses you’ve generated. We will provide you with a private report to see how many respondents have taken the survey using your link. 

  • Send invitations to your community database contacts and social media communities. We strongly encourage you to share the invitation as a dedicated email rather than adding it to an existing email newsletter or other content. 

  • Send one reminder email just before the survey closes.

As a distribution partner, you can help spread the word and benefit your customers and members.

If you have contacts in built environment providers, we'd love to have you share the survey link with them as well — and be among the first to see the research results before we share them publicly!

If you have questions or feedback, please contact us.