Lorin Industries

Lorin Industries

Redefining a materials provider.


Lorin, a global leader in anodized aluminum, needed to make greater inroads with architects and designers while balancing their relationships with distributors and contractors. Through a series of one-on-one internal interviews, competitive analysis, and trends research, and we created a change strategy for the company.
Peopledesign - Lorin


Lorin products are used on some of the most iconic buildings in the world. By leaning into this fact and Lorin's culture, we were able to develop a brand direction that connected marketing, HR, IT, and more.
The conclusion of the work empowered the Lorin team with research summaries, a creative direction, product reconciliation, a digital and growth strategy.
Peopledesign - Lorin
Peopledesign - Lorin
Peopledesign - Lorin
Peopledesign - Lorin
Peopledesign - Lorin
Peopledesign - Lorin
Peopledesign - Lorin
Peopledesign - Lorin
Peopledesign - Lorin


Our work together has given me and the team a very good perspective of how we need to approach building the parts and pieces of our marketing strategy. It was a necessary process, and I now have a lot more confidence in our direction.

Park Kersman
President, Lorin Industries