Guilford of Maine Rebrand
Guilford of Maine
Despite being a top provider to Maharam, Momentum, Herman Miller, Haworth, HON, and other major furniture companies, changes in ownership created significant brand confusion in the marketplace. True Textiles was acquired by flooring leader Interface, then spun off two months before NeoCon – the industry’s largest trade show. They were hurting from a lack of long-term brand focus, but also had an immediate need to make a statement at NeoCon.


The work put a feather in our cap as well. Graphis, The International Journal of Visual Communication, featured Peopledesign on the cover of its non-annual book, Branding6, titled, "Eight Exceptional Branding Case Studies." The publisher recognized Peopledesign as a Platinum award winner for showing a “devoted commitment to the client, dedication to the quality, and a continued focus on the project’s financial success.” B. Martin Pedersen, editor.