Finding Strategic Focus – Clarify your Future Direction

Finding Focus

Trying to be all things to all people?
Customers today have more choices than ever. Breaking through the competitive noise today requires a new level of focus is essential in today's marketplace. We help you Find Strategic Focus.

We explore and clarify internal objectives, external audience needs, market/category dynamics, and macro trends for clear decision-making and growth opportunities.

How we help

Internal research
Stakeholder interviews
Strategic planning
Employee experience
Teams and tools

External research
Customer insights
Market/Category research
Competitive landscape
Tangent market insights
Trend research

Market conditions
Customer definition
Value propositions

Finding Focus - Peopledesign
Macatawa Bank
Grand Valley State University

Finding Strategic Focus
Webinar recording, 35 min
Your customers have more choices than ever – what worked yesterday won't work tomorrow. Breaking through the competitive noise today requires a new level of focus. A lack of focus not only wastes precious time and money but results in market confusion rather than enabling strategic alignment. In this webinar, learn more about finding your strategic focus, and why it is critical in the connection economy.

Through their holistic process, we were able to reset our strategy. This reset created an expansion into new product categories, new market segments, and new integration of tools to simplify the customer experience. ESI reported a 40% growth rate following the first major adoption of strategies.”

Mark Rhoades
President, ESI (Fellowes Contract)

More ways to get started:
Brand Meaning
Design Audits