What is Employer Branding?

What is Employer Branding?

Internal branding for talent-driven growth.
Globalization and technology innovation has created new employee expectations and increased competition. We help organizations evolve to attract and retain the best talent.
Employer Branding

Find Focus

Internal brand message
Communications frameworks
Employee value propositions

What are you asking employees to get behind beyond a paycheck and benefits? What makes your organization unique? Attracting and retaining top talent means having a clear strategic focus for your organization, understanding motivational drivers, and how top talent makes decisions. We help you define your value proposition, develop behavioral personas, clarify, and deliver a strong employer brand for you to build on.

Staying relevant to talent means being an employer of choice. We help you establish and communicate your strategic direction. We clarify the vision and seek step change.

Autocam Medical
Autocam Medical

Telling a Unique Story
Autocam Medical, a leading medical device manufacturer, identified talent acquisition as a critical driver for growth but struggled to tell a unified and unique story. We worked with leadership to clarify the brand position and message, then contextualize that to several target audiences—both internal and external. The resulting artifact was a website built to engage talent with a unique value proposition and clear messaging along with new positioning.

Create Alignment

Program launches
Digital activation
Internal communications
Physical presence

Talent-driven growth requires each department to get on the same page. Agile teams need systems with different processes and metrics to deliver better experiences. We help connect your strategy to a plan and define experiences from attraction, acquisition, onboarding, and development. Talent Journey programs help drive change, build unified cultures, and define ideal employee interactions.

The new era requires new systems with different opportunities, technologies, and metrics. There is a greater need for consistency and integration. We help connect your strategy to a plan.

ESI Work Gear

Equipping Talent for Growth

Ergonomic furniture accessories company ESI has seen multiple years of steady growth. Recognizing its sales reps are a cornerstone of past development, the company needed to level up and better equip salespeople for future growth. With this target group in mind, we developed sales tools and training concepts, taking internal workflows and teams from sales, marketing, and customer service. We conducted internal research with teams, reps, and customers to better understand how they interact and the flow of information. We created four behavioral sales rep segments, enabling us to identify the group with the best potential to spur growth and needed an extra boost with training and tools.

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ESI Fellowes Contract
In today’s economy, the pressure to change faster is ever increasing. Most organizations view growth through the lens of products and services. While a company’s offering is a critical piece, it can be an anchor that is rigid and slow to change. A long-term growth strategy needs to focus on talent. Leaders need teams to be agile.

Today’s worker is more mobile and global than ever before, making the competition for top talent increasingly fierce. Many leaders acknowledge that the right people are essential, but too often, they don’t invest in the employee experience. Attracting and retaining the best talent means going beyond old standards from the industrial era. From compensation to work style to location, people want more.

Today, leading organizations are rethinking how they attract and retain their best people. People want to get behind an organization that has a position and passion. To stay, they want to grow and contribute personally and professionally. The best talent expects the application process to be engaging and responsive.
Lorin Rebrand

Lorin Industries

Aligning Departments
Lorin, a top global supplier of anodized aluminum, sought growth by better connecting with a new customer group. The result was a holistic rebrand, much more than a look and feel. Lorin’s new position requires internal teams to work together in new ways, including sales, marketing, HR, IT, and operations. Agile companies need every team member to be on the same page. We developed a tighter value proposition and ideal customer experience, then tied those efforts back to the individual departments. These concepts and recommendations for HR messaging and experience reinforced Lorin’s brand value and identified activities for internal teams to move the brand forward in a cohesive manner.

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